
Douglas Lofts 出售和租賃在洛杉磯市中心 Historic Core - DLXco

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Douglas Lofts

257 S Spring St

Los Angeles CA 90012

允许宠物: 是

Mills Act: 是

生活/工作: 是

建造: James and Merrit Reid - 1898

现代化: Downtown Properties - 2005

这个经典旗舰办公大楼,座落在Spring与第三街路口,历史核心的心脏地带‧建于1898年,设想源自于Thomas Douglas Stimson,一个木材商改行成房地产大亨的遗志,大楼就是那个年代建筑工艺的证明‧这个显著的结构是洛杉矶19世纪建筑珍品的遗迹‧

2005年,Douglas大楼被复原并更新成50个独特的纽约式阁楼公寓‧空间用最先进的Poggen Pohl厨房与Waterworks的浴室装饰‧最显著的建筑特色包括裸露的室内砖墙和大型原装,重整过的双挂窗‧另外,边间拥有弯形窗户‧高贵又精致的Douglas大楼在现代与1890末一样的出色‧


  • 5层楼
  • 50单元
  • 微微弯曲的外边角由温暖色调的罗马砖层叠
  • 一楼正面之上装饰性陶土格
  • 安全的地下和一楼停车场
  • 前台保安


  • 引人注目的城市景观
  • Poggen Pohl牌最先进的厨房
  • Waterworks牌浴室
  • 裸露的室内砖墙
  • 原始,重修的双边升降窗户
  • 原始的硬木和历史性的磁砖地板
  • 弯形窗户((角落单元)
  • 高高的天花板
  • 七个两层楼顶层阁楼
  • 中央系统冷暖气
  • 有高速互联网
  • 洗衣机和烘干机连接线



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We love the website...super thorough easy to navigate. There arent any other websites dedicated to LA Downtown Living like DLXCO. Anh was the best :) This was our first time buying and while it wasnt the easiest road to home ownership Anh was truly there for us and held our hands all the way! He tells you the truth he is patient prompt and responsive via phone email & text. He was sympathetic to our circumstances and did his best to alleviate the stress. He fought for us and got us a really great deal. A really cool knowledgeable easygoing professional guy! I should also mention that he also helped us out when we were looking to rent downtown. We absolutely love him and would recommend him to anyone! Debby & Cullin
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主动和未决物业的货币兑换是基于每1美元 NT$32.37 美元的汇率。汇率更新于 1969/12/31 18:00:00 (GMT-06:00/07:00)(美国和加拿大)。出售物业的货币折算基于出售日宣布的汇率。汇率数据来自currencylayer.com提供的主要外汇数据提供商。